My dream long ago(10 years ago) was to be published in a magazine. That dream came true when a friend of mine sent a photo to EuroTuner of his car and they said they’d like to have the car as a feature. He let them know that he had someone ready to shoot it and will send my info. Since then I have submitted and written several articles for them and continue to look for more cars for them. I’ve learned and seen a lot working for Source/TEN over the years. Several magazines have vanished with the advance of the internet and digital media. I’m happy to still be a part of the photography world trying to make sure that printed media stays around. I started with the European cars then but now I shoot for their other publications such as; EuropeanCar, Muscle Mustangs and Fast Fords and others. I’m happy that they continue to keep photographers and writers employed.
Ross’ VW GTI Kool Whip II
Amos Press gave me another first milestone in my publishing career, My first cover. Larry (the editor) reached out to me after I had sent them some images that I had shot of some Mustangs. He needed mt to do a feature of a car in nearby Ft Worth, Texas. I was so excited to hear back from them and to find out what car I was shooting. It was a twin turbo Ford Mustang v6 built by Renee Williams. I contacted Renee (which has become a close friend now) to get a shoot scheduled and get the images to Amos Press as soon as possible. We got the shoot done and sent them off and as soon as Larry saw the images, he said that they had already found the image that was going on the cover. I replied. COVER?!? Renee and I were excited to see the end result when we were sent the digital copy of the article. Renee even produced a large vinyl image of the cover for her show display. Since that one came out, I wrote another article for them about her and her family’s 50 year love of Mustangs that was released as an honor to the 50 years of Mustangs.
Renee’s Twin Turbo Mustang
DUB Magazine reached out to me 3 years in a row to photograph their annual DUB Show in Dallas, Texas. I had been Freelance Photographer for several years now and was always looking for new work by this time. So it was a surprise to see another magazine looking for a local photographer and hoped it’d continue. I worked with Rich at DUB on getting everything setup for my access for the shows. As soon I was done, I sent off what I had captured to him. It was a fun learning experience taking on events and artist on stage.
DUB Magazine’s car hauler and Green Caddy
Durango asked me to do some work for them by sending me one of their beautiful leather jackets. Another great first for me working with a companies PR/Marketing department to capture their style for their social media. I received the jacket and within days I had a portfolio for them to use whenever they liked. I can’t wait for this winter so that I can start working the jacket and snapping some more photos for them.
Durango Jacket
The next LARGE milestone of my career was doing the Stills for a commercial that was done for Ford Motor Co. They needed me to photograph the behind the scenes and the Hero shots of the vehicles on set. I worked with the Director and Cinematographer on finding the best locations to shoot and how to stage the vehicles. This was huge and I had to do a lot of research to give a good estimate for my work for two days of shooting. This is by far the most fun shoot that I’ve done to to date. It was a great learning experience for the business and production side of my company. You can see the commercial here, Drop Everything!!
Grapevine Ford
I was introduced to Michael Grubbs, local car fabricator, by a great friend of mine that worked for him. I have photographed many amazing cars for him over the years. I’ve even built his website and maintain his social media for him. Michael has helped me grow my business and has even been a great inspiration on the direction I wanted to take my business. You can see his work as well as mine at Grubbs Motorsports.
1935 Pro-Street Chevy Pickup
Copart saw the work that I had done with Ford and wanted in on the action. They asked me if I could photograph their Dallas facility for them and I was more than happy to work with a local business. I meet with their Media Director and staff for a day of shooting on location. This was the first opportunity that I had where I got to work with a team to produce images just for their site. They requested certain shots and I was there to give them feedback on what they were wanting and what we could produce. I assisted them with updating their images to a more modern style, livened up the site a bit. I learned that consulting is the second half of photography.
I’ve ridden bikes for years, used them to commute to work and have made many great friends because of cycling. The Cycling community is a pretty tight nit group, we ride together, we create riding events and promote biking whenever we can. One of the great local cyclist and entrepreneurs is Dave Patterson which just took over the Custom Bike building shop Daltex and needed some photos of the work being done. So merging two of my great passions was a no-brainer. We meet up at his old shop to build a friends bike in the evening. Can’t wait to work with him again in his new shop. Daltex Bicycles
Since I had worked with them before, VIS came back for me to shoot something special for them. Living in Dallas has it’s advantages, there are a lot of events and business looking to promote their work. Ford worked with the World Famous Dallas Cowboys to produce a one off F-150. Only 400 will be produced and each one has a numbered tag signed by Jerry Jones. They wanted to announce their new creation in front of the new Ford Training Center in Frisco, Texas. I just happened to live down the road from and just learned that they are about to finish the facility. It was great to work on another large project for Ford and hopefully we can keep working together in the future. Dallas Cowboys’ Ford F-150
The crew on the Ford Center training field
It doesn’t get better than working with local artist. Just so happens she’s a great friend as well. Michelle opened Zen Sushi 9 years ago in Bishop Arts District and has enjoyed great success. My wife worked with Michelle when they just opened and we’ve always visited for events in our life and just to get some great sushi. Recently we started talking with Michelle and let her know that we’d like to take over her social media and capture some of her great work. Handcrafted gets used a lot when talking about artist but I don’t think you can get more handcrafted then Sushi. I’m always happy when we walk in or anyone walks in and the staff great you as if they’ve known you for years. Zen Sushi Dallas
Dinner date at Zen Sushi