Not sure if I have mentioned it yet but I sold my Canon 60D and bought a friend’s Canon 5d MK I. I LOVE this camera and so happy that I bought it but… OMG! It uses a compact flash card and I forgot how sloooooooow they were. It takes at least 3 minutes to download an image, IT’S HORRIBLE!! But these images are amazing. Most of the time I’m using it I have the old Olympus lens on it and LOOOOOVE how clean the images are. So I’ve purchased an adapter so that I can use my SD cards which are way faster. And hopefully, if I can find one, I’m going to get a WiFi card so that I can transmit to my tablet again.
Moving into a full frame has been great but lose of the newer tech has set me back a bit. But there are ways to fix that and I should be able to continue to enjoy this 13-year-old beast. Here are some images that I have shot recently.
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