I've known Jakeb since 1999. We met and worked together as tech support agents, then we were roommates and shared a brief experience of one of my first startups. He's been a classic car junkie since I can remember. We had an interesting relationship between being young and working on our goals of someday being awesome at our skills. In the early days, it was all about his graphics and working for DC comics. I remember that was the original goal. From there it was Macromedia flash and building websites. I came in with actionscript with xml and txt file interaction with his flash. We did a lot of experimentation with what the web "could" be, back in those days. In short, he's grown quite a bit from those days as merely kids in tech support. His passion now is photography, he's been published in several car magazines lately. Every time I come back in the Dallas area he's the photographer my family chooses to upgrade our latest portrait. All in all Jake has a damn good eye, and doesn't play around with the point and click groups. He understands the meaning of the light and lens combination. He's got a great sense of humor and is a hell of a guy.