1931 Chrysler LeBaron
Since before I wanted to photograph cars I always admired photos of cars photographed in large studios. My Dad had several books and magazines that I looked through when I was little that i drooled over. I dreamt of one day photographing cars worth more than a house in such a setting. To see the behind the scenes of a large studio like these is awe inspiring. One large light hanging over a vehicle in a large black room and the camera about 30 feet away from the car. My imagination used to run wild of how I’d create beautiful images of 60 year old cars and see the art on the walls of galleries. This is way before I ever held a camera or even thought about how it all worked.
When I did start photographing cars and started studying how to light or not light a car, I studied many photographers to see what they did. I dreamt of traveling to their studios and hoping that I could maybe one day work for or with them. But it never really clicked that I could do this for a living. No one ever told me that I could do what I loved and make money doing it. I know that is going to be my main lesson with my children. It is possible, there are millions of people doing it everyday! I know that now and I’m doing more and more to make sure that this is my only means of income. And now that I have a little one, I’m not able to ‘leave’ as much as I would like to when I was younger but at some point in time I think I’m going to visit some of the large Car Studios in the world. After shooting the Dallas Cowboys Ford, I see that Dallas needs a Car Studio for itself. Our plans are to move North in a few years, so I need to get this going as soon as possible. There are several great automotive photographers here in Dallas that I know that’d love to have a large studio built just for us. I could even open a Automotive Photography School, or host classes of some sort. And not to mention that there are SOOOOO many amazing Car Builders and Shops that we could work with. Plus there needs to be a large studio here to photograph all these cars for magazines. The East and West coast have their studios and we don’t. I think it’s time someone build one, and I just might be that person.
My thinking/dreaming cap has been on long enough and I think it’s time to develop a plan and get to building the basis of my dreams and my kids future. The Future of many kids that might have the same dreams that I did long ago. Since I love to teach others photography and have admired some of the greatest for so long, it’s my turn to step up to that chair. Off we go!!
One of my inspirations is Michael Furman, an amazing artist capturing some truly amazing images.
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